Understanding that we all run our own personal gauntlet of trial, error, and reflection, our hope is that this site may provide others with insight and tools to help lower their own Liability Score, an aggregate of each and every thing present in your life, tangible or not, big or small, that makes you a liability to others and to yourself. To become a better citizen, free-thinker, friend, and, most importantly, a better husband/father or wife/mother takes discipline and a daily (if not hourly) reminder that your own well-being, both physically and mentally, is absolutely non-negotiable.
Every day, each of us should take steps toward lowering our own Liability Score as much as humanly possible, understanding that a score of zero, while attainable in theory, is not a practical reality. That does not, however, mean that we should not strive to attain it.
Regardless of what is happening at this very moment in your life or what led you to it, your goal should be to strengthen your body, your mind, and your soul in order to ensure the safety and overall well-being of not only yourself, but every single worthy person that you may come in contact with.
Simply put: Don't be a Liability.